Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kim Speaks Out! @ Saddleback Church

I was recently invited by Pastor Josh Griffin to speak at four services for Saddleback Church’s High School Ministry (HSM). I arrived on the church campus and was taken immediately to “The Refinery”. The most incredible youth facility I’ve seen, which houses Saddleback’s high school and junior high school ministries. I was blown away! It’s a hang out place where young people are not only taught the word of God but they are challenged to take ownership of their ministry. They are encouraged to come up with their own creative ways to minister to the communities like Compton and Watts, people groups like Native Americans living on reservations in New Mexico and children in Kenya. The HSM staff builds into their lives in such a way that these young people become equipped to change the world for Christ, while utilizing the unique gifts God has given them. There are no “cookie cutters” here!

HSM is a group of students who are all in different places when it comes to their walks with Christ, yet not matter where they are, the atmosphere created by HSM continues to draw those who may be struggling with their beliefs.

“I have been so closed minded to so many of the things you mentioned. God used you to break down those walls in me tonight. Thank you for speaking; I’m ready to recommit to God’s ways in those areas.”
Saddleback HSM Student – October 2, 2010

These words were written on a comment card and giving to me by one of the high school students who heard my talk at Saddleback Church. What a bold stand this student has chosen to take in the midst of a world that is so diametrically opposed to the ways of God.

But she was not alone. After sharing my story and the various mistakes I’ve made as I’ve searched for love, value and acceptance, several students approached me with their own stories. My heart broke to hear what some of them are going through, but to see the freedom they had been given to speak out about those things as a result of what I shared about my own life, encouraged me to no end. God had taken the scraps of my life and transformed them into encouragement for others and a weapon against the enemy who would love to steal the joy, the life and the future of these courageous young men and women.  I am ever so grateful and honored to have been a part of what God is doing in the midst of this ministry.

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